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Why I Went Vegan

     I have never told my story on here, and now is as good a time as any.

     Meat and I were never really close friends (especially with pork). I would get violently ill. My parents would take me to see a doctor and they would say I was fine. Fine? Puking every night? Whatever.

     Then, when I was about 14 years old, I became immersed in the punk-rock culture, which preaches vegetarianism and (to an extent) veganism. I decided after all the PETA stickers and other pamphlets being shoved in my face at Warped Tour that I would give vegetarianism a try. The first night without puking was the best night ever. That is what convinced me that this was a very good idea.

     A few years later, I figured that the eggs and the cheese that I was eating (I had already switched to soymilk by this point) wasn’t really going me any favors, so I ditched them as well. I have been feeling better ever since.

     I have had a few scares along the way(a minor case of ketosis last year) but all in all, it has been an amazing journey. I do work in a kitchen now and I am EXPECTED to try the food, but I try to pass that responsibility to the chef. It is his call in the end anyway. Every now and again, I crave chicken in the worst way and neither Boca nor Garden can satisfy the taste. This is what I am going (back) to school for Food Science at OSU.

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