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Technology Fail, OSU Vegan Food Find, and Other Thoughts

     So my laptop breaks and I am now typing this post from a cracked cell phone screen. I can’t get it fixed until (looks at calendar) Monday at best.  Oh bother.

     Anyway, enough of my rantings, here’s an update as to what I have been doing. I challenged myself to find something vegan to eat on campus, and I believe I have found one! In the Ohio Union, there is a sushi stand (scary, I know. Cafteria style sushi is very scary) and I picked up some Inari with soymilk and an apple. It was fairly good. I had had a sushi craving for a while and this pacified it. So if you are ever in the Ohio union, feel free to pick some up! I will post updates on what else I find. I also challenge everyone who reads to find something vegan to eat on campus and share your thoughts!

     Speaking of thoughts, what’s with the Paleolithic diet all of a sudden being a craze? Cavemen and women only lived to be 25 years old. What makes you think this diet is going to help you in the long run?


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